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The Ganges Orchestra
The Dream
While the term ‘World Music’ became a dirty word by the late 80s onwards, the ground-breaking work of producer Steve Coe and his partner, Sheila Chandra as Monsoon, spread beyond their1981 hit with Ever So Lonely, to be literally the originators about all that was good in the merging of dub, dance and ethnic music.
Expanding this to it’s maximum through the idea of a full orchestra, The Dream mixes duggis, shenai, tabla, conga and guitar through Indian raga and European rhythm structures to create a unique musical vision.
Discovered and championed by a young Daniele Baldelli, this is our 2nd release to of been defined as a “Cosmic Classic”, however, that would be too narrow a description. Long known to more open minded collectors and DJs, the whole EP has long been sought after and staple of many sunset and sunrise experiences.
This release takes this further with the little known and in this longer version, previously unreleased addition in The Calling. Essentially an ambient version of The Dream, to some this will be the real gem of the EP. Extended especially for this release by The Invisible Hands, it’s title is apt.
They also turn the respectful scapel to the raga of Meditasian. Originally the B side to The Dream and at over 24 minutes infamously packaged with what turned out to be vinyl warping incense that was designed to be lit for it’s journey. For our release we have edited it to a shorter meditative length that still grasps it’s depth. Enjoy, but be careful with the incense this time!
The Dream
The Calling (Long)
Meditasian (Short)