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DJ Aakmael
Xposd EP
NDATL continues with DJ Aakmael's vibrant EP, "The Xposd EP" Kicking things off is "Track 109" a lively and rhythmic blend of Latin jazz infused groove with a bouncy shuffle guaranteed to set hips in motion. Next "Imagination" a mesmerizing groove and Aakmael's signature solo work, transports the dancers into a hypnotic zone. On the B-side, we encounter the dynamic collaboration "This Is Not A Game," a potent creation by Aakmael and label head Kai Alcé, featuring sparse piano notes and a penetrating synth solo. Aakmael then draws upon his Windy City influences for the final track, "102.5" characterized by a smooth deep bassline and velvety keys. With its diverse soundscape, "The Xposd EP" with its captivating rhythms and melodies invites listeners to immerse themselves.
This Is Not A Game (Unxposd Mix)