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Various - Plum Jam | Moiss Music (MOISSWAX008) - main
Various - Plum Jam | Moiss Music (MOISSWAX008) - 1Various - Plum Jam | Moiss Music (MOISSWAX008) - 2


Plum Jam

Moiss Music (MOISSWAX008)

1x Vinyl 12" 33 ⅓ RPM EP

Release date: Jun 12, 2023, Russia

The Moiss Music label seems to like to drop their EPs two at a time. They did it in February and they're doing it again in May. This eighth outing collects four more lively disco cuts, each with their own subtle influences. Berobreo's 'White Rabbit' for instance has funky undertones with loopy guitar riffs and nice breaks. The Magic Track's 'Jamming With Mom' meanwhile is more sensuous and deep, with late-night synth work and seductive vocals. Oldchap's 'I Want To Show You' has an expressive soul vocal with more low-slung grooves and Alexny's 'Not Bad' then gets quick, clipped and loopy for its lip-pouting disco thrills.

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Berobreo - White Rabbit



The Magic Track - Jamming With Mom



Oldchap - I Want To Show You



Alexny - Not Bad
