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Statues - Clear Skies | Is It Balearic? Recordings (IIB064) - main
Statues - Clear Skies | Is It Balearic? Recordings (IIB064) - 1


Clear Skies

Is It Balearic? Recordings (IIB064)

1x Vinyl 12" EP

Release date: Apr 1, 2023, UK

Spring has sprung and Statues bring some positive vibrations to IIB. Clear skies is a shimmering Alan Parsonsesque cosmic groove beaming out into the atmosphere Coyote soften the OG into a fading twilight reflection. The Vendetta suite create a mesmeric ambient gem The Creek continues the kaleidoscopic feel with a soothing dreamlike trip towards a lovely vocal finish. Nothing but clear skies all round.

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Clear Skies


Clear Skies (Coyote Ambient Dub)


Clear Skies (Vendetta Suite Remix)


The Creek